Spring / Summer 2023: Trends by CARL GROSS!

The temperatures are getting milder and the weather better, you can tell: spring is moving in. This means that the wardrobe has to be rearranged. Transitional clothing moves to the front, while thick jumpers are packed away. And often new clothes are allowed to move in. For us, this is the right time to present our CARL GROSS spring / summer collection 2023.

How to style: Find your wedding look!

Are you attending a wedding this year and still looking for the right outfit? Then you should definitely read on. We've already introduced you to our colour trends - today it's all about the complete wedding look. Whether you're the groom, the groomsmen or the best man, today we're presenting wedding suits that will make you stand out.

How to: Set the wedding theme!

For many people, a wedding is one of the most important events in their lives. Accordingly, this day should run and be organised perfectly. In order to maintain a common thread, the wedding is often celebrated under a certain motto. In this blog post we would like to help you find your wedding motto and show you examples.

Spring / Summer 2023: The CARL GROSS wedding trends!

It's time again: spring is coming and with it weddings are just around the corner. It doesn't matter whether you're the groom, a relative or the best man at the ceremony. One question unites you all: What should I wear? To make the answer a little easier for you, we are presenting our spring / summer 2023 occasion collection today.

Autumn/Winter 2022: These are the trends at CARL GROSS!

The temperatures are cooling down - autumn is moving in. So it's time to reorganise your wardrobe and bring the warm clothes to the front. Often you notice that one or the other autumn companion is still missing or needs to be replaced. We would like to take this opportunity to present our trends and collection for autumn / winter 2022.

How to style: Linen as a must-have for men in summer

man with brown hair in white polo, brown linen overshirt and beige pleated trousers, palm trees in the background

Probably one of the most popular materials for summer: linen. Whether it's trousers, a shirt or a jacket, you'll find such a garment in almost every summer wardrobe, and quite rightly so. But what makes linen so indispensable for summer and why should it not be missing from your wardrobe? We will answer these questions in today's blog post.

Earth Day 2022: Sustainable shopping - here's what you should look out for

As already made clear in our last blog article, fashion and sustainability do not always go hand in hand. Especially not when it comes to fast fashion. Recently, the general rethinking in our society has brought the topic of the environment and sustainability into a new focus. People are more concerned and care more - but how can we shop more sustainably? Today's blog post deals with this question.

How to style: The light seersucker look for summer

The weather is getting better and the temperatures are starting to rise, which means it’s time for light, summer-friendly fabrics and textures. One fabric in particular should not be forgotten: seersucker. Read what you should know about this fabric and how to best showcase the seersucker suit in today’s blog post.

Summer wedding: The groom in boho style

Das Wetter wird schöner, die Temperaturen steigen und die Hochzeitsplanungen sind im vollen Gang. Auch dieses Jahr wieder ein Thema: der Boho-Style. Steife und unbequeme Anzüge ade, entspannte und bequeme Looks hallo!
An diesem aufregenden Tag sollte der Bräutigam auf jeden Fall eines: sich in seinem Anzug wohl fühlen. Unser heutiger Blogbeitrag soll Ihnen Outfit-Inspirationen geben, damit Sie optimal auf Ihren Anzug-Kauf vorbereitet sind.

How to: care & store the suit properly

Sustainability is becoming more and more important and starts with the clothes that are already hanging in your wardrobe. The durability of your clothes is what makes them sustainable. Your suit should also be your elegant and loyal companion for as long as possible. The secret: the right suit care. With our blog post, we therefore give you tips on how you can enjoy your suit for a long time.