

It took almost two years of preparation and work, but finally, the moment arrived. Création Gross is GOTS certified since November 2021. Now, GOTS-certified products are an integral part of every CARL GROSS CONCEPT GREEN collection. But what exactly does this label mean, and what does it say about our products? In today's blog post, we would like to answer these questions for you.

This is why certificates and labels are so important in the textile industry

Time and again there are reports about inhumane working and production conditions in the textile industry abroad. This issue was most recently triggered by the collapse of the Rana Plaza textile factory in Bangladesh 10 years ago, in which more than a thousand people lost their lives. The responsibility here clearly lies with politicians and companies, but consumers should also be aware of their responsibility. In order to be able to make responsible purchasing decisions, companies are obliged to label and identify their clothing accordingly. Various certificates and labels - including the GOTS certificate - are helpful here.

What's GOTS all about?

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is a globally recognised and voluntary standard for the processing of textiles for various purposes from organically produced natural fibres and thus an important textile label. It defines environmental requirements along the entire textile production chain as well as social criteria. Quality assurance is carried out through independent certification of the entire textile supply chain. More concretely, this means that in addition to respectful treatment of people along the production chain, the focus is also on the treatment of the environment. For example, no chemicals may be used that could cause cancer, birth defects or other serious health consequences. Nor may chemicals be used that destroy the ecosystem and biodiversity. The aim of the label is therefore to ensure sustainable and environmentally friendly production, but also to give consumers a sense of security.

These criteria are relevant to GOTS

There are several aspects to which GOTS attaches importance. Important here are: the sourcing, the production, the making-up, the packaging, the labelling, the trade and the distribution. The Global Organic Textile Standard requires that textiles with the GOTS organic or kbA/kbT labelling must consist of at least 95 % organically produced natural fibres. Other products labelled as made from x% kbA/kbT fibres must still be made from at least 70% certified organically produced natural fibres. There are also more specific requirements with regard to production. For example, certified products must be produced strictly separately from non-certified articles. Chemicals used must be tested beforehand. Chlorine bleach, azo dyes, etching and plastisol printing processes are not permitted. In addition, the production companies must pursue their own environmental protection programmes. With regard to packaging, PVC is prohibited, paper and cardboard must be FSC or PEFC certified. Safe and hygienic working conditions, minimum wage, ban on child labour, regular employment, ban on inhumane treatment and excessive working hours are examples of relevant social criteria.

How to recognise GOTS-certified CARL GROSS CONCEPT GREEN products

This label makes the GOTS certification visible to consumers and helps them to make responsible purchasing decisions. The GOTS certified CARL GROSS products are part of the CONCEPT GREEN subline.
As with all other CONCEPT GREEN products, there is also a scannable QR code which contains further information regarding the material composition.

You are welcome to take a look at our CONCEPT GREEN website here.

What does this mean for the future of CARL GROSS CONCEPT GREEN?

As part of our goal to gradually make the company and our products more sustainable, we now offer different GOTS certified products in our CARL GROSS CONCEPT GREEN collection every season. But also our standard suit programme has been extended by GOTS certified suits.

GOTS certified garments are now an integral part of every CARL GROSS CONCEPT GREEN collection. Furthermore, it is our goal to steadily increase the share of certified products in the coming seasons.

For a future where we care more - CONCEPT GREEN

best regards
your CARL GROSS team

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